What are you thankful for?

As we all pause out of our busy schedules and take a day to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives, I can’t stop thinking about all the many blessings in my life.

Today I am thankful for my Mom and sister, who are happy and healthy and we are together on this special day. I am thankful for my Father, without him I would not be who I am today.

So here goes my list, no one is left out intentionally….

Thank you to Joe Llamas my business partner, your support means more than you know… most of all because you believe in me.

Carlos Platero Jr., wow you have become someone so important in my life. Thank you for being an amazing, funny, taking the microphone co-host but even more for being a great friend.

Antonia Warren, GM, Radio Mujer International FM 95.1, Austin. Thank you for the opportunity to have a new career,  I never would  have thought I would be on the radio… and now I can’t even think of not being on the radio. THANK YOU!

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Grateful to the Austin Film Festival for giving Chica About Town, red carpet access to all the films at your festival this year. It was an amazing time, and we loved interviewing the cast, writers and directors of all the films!

Thankful for all my friends who have been so supportive this year… too many to name but you know who you are. I love you all, thank you for being cheerleaders, confidants, partners in crime, and most of all listeners. Because you know I can talk….

Happy Thanksgiving! Many blessings to you and your loved one’s on this special day!

